About Me

I acquired my qualification at level 2 and 3 through CYQ over 13 years ago and since gone on to various other courses in Strength and Conditioning, Structural Balance, Calisthenics and Kettlebell training. I have a passion for understanding how the body moves and find it fascinating how each individual expresses themselves physically.

I really enjoy my time in the gym and find it a real escape. It is a chance to improve my self physically and mentally, and always strive to help my clients find a similar sense of fulfilment and accomplishment in their own endeavours. Its a great opportunity to not only learn to control your own body but also ones mind as exercise can have such a great effect on confidence and self esteem.

I am father of one and my son Fin is a huge part of my life, you’ll often see him around the house. He’s a great footballer and I currently help out with coaching in his local Corsham AFC side, its a great social pursuit and it gives me great pleasure to be involved with the Club. One of my other responsibilities is my Boston Terrier Snoop. He’s constantly trying to make friends with anyone coming through my doors but don’t worry he’s as good as gold and incredibly well behaved!